The working life super-week provides expertise in September in Tampere
Press Release 01.09.2022
The Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre will be filled with diverse working life in mid-September. The international professional fair of EuroSafety in the field of safety and personal protection equipment, and the professional fair for work capability and occupational well-being, Workplace Welfare, will be organised between September 13–15, 2022. The event package will be complemented by another two days as the professional fair of Food and Drink, as well as Logistics – the professional fair for inbound logistics – take place on September 14–15. These meaningful encounters will be crowned by the amazing event programmes. Accreditation and free registration for the working life super-week are now open.
In September, the working life super-week brings an offering of occupational well-being, safety, logistics, and the latest treats from the food and drink industry. You can access all these four fairs for free by registering.
Protection, safety, and workplace welfare
EuroSafety, the number-one international event for safety – and the largest personal protection fair in the Nordic countries – invites you to meet others, network and train, safely and actively. The three-day event covers the topics of safety and risk management and the latest wholes in protective gear and smart solutions. Speakers include top guests such as the Madventures duo Riku Rantala and Tunna Milonoff, as well as the Duudson Jarppi Leppälä. The event will be organised in cooperation with the Finnish Work Safety Association (STYL). Learn more about the programme: eurosafety.fi/fi/kavijalle/#tab-program.
The fair for work capability and occupational well-being, Workplace Welfare, will focus on interaction from the perspectives of change, relevance, and culture regarding work. The event for humane working life raises topical questions related to working life, creates a platform for encounters, and offers opportunities and solutions. The unparalleled event offering features speakers such as the champion coach Jukka Jalonen, presenter Niclas Wancke, and mental coach Varpu Hintsanen, who will all be part of crowning the experience of encounters that we construct together as one. The main partners for this event are the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, insurance company Fennia, occupational pension company Elo, and Rastor-instituutti. Learn more about the programme: tyohyvinvointimessut.fi/fi/kavijalle/#tab-program
Popular topics include the energy crisis, raw material deliveries, and the flexibility of inbound logistics
The Trade Fair for Food and Drink’s programme will focus on issues such as the fiercely increasing prices of energy and raw materials – which is shaking up the industry. How will the price crisis affect food and drink companies, and consequently consumer behaviour? The fair’s theme of responsibility will take centre stage in the expert talk by Valio with the company’s Head of Packaging, Juhana Pilkama, shedding light on the future of the main partner’s packaging development. Founder of the Nordic Umami Company, Reetta Kivelä, will inspire professionals and give answers as to why food innovations are needed. The Finnish Meat Trade Association will reward the heroes of the rescue operation for hot-smoked pork, and the bakery sector’s Finnish Championships will choose the best team of baker-confectioners. Learn more about the programme: elintarviketeollisuus.fi/fi/kavijalle/#tab-program.
The development of flexible inbound logistics, new initiatives in industrial automation, and automated systems provoke discussion among the Logistics fairgoers. The fair’s programme offering also handles these very same issues. LOGY will grant the Inbound Logistics Innovation Award to a company that has advanced the development and innovation work of domestic inbound logistics. Learn more about the programme: logistiikkamessut.fi/fi/kavijalle/#tab-program.
Media accreditation is open
Accreditation for the four September events is now open. You can use one accreditation to participate in each of the simultaneous events, between September 13-15 in EuroSafety eurosafety.fi/fi/messuinfo/medialle/ and Workplace Welfare tyohyvinvointimessut.fi/fi/messuinfo/medialle/, and between September 14-15 in Food and Drink elintarviketeollisuus.fi/fi/messuinfo/medialle/ and Logistics logistiikkamessut.fi/fi/messuinfo/medialle/.
The working life super-week will take place in September at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre. The international professional fair of EuroSafety in the field of safety and personal protection equipment, and the professional fair for work capability and occupational well-being, Workplace Welfare, will be organised between September 13–15, 2022. The International Trade Fair for Food and Drink Industry and the inbound logistics fair of Logistics will be organised between September 14–15, 2022.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: eurosafety.fi #eurosafety #safeandsound tyohyvinvointimessut.fi/fi/ #työhyvinvointi #ihmisellistätyöelämää elintarviketeollisuus.fi/fi/ #elintarviketeollisuus and logistiikkamessut.fi/fi/ #logistiikka
Tampere Trade Fairs Group, tampereenmessut.fi, firstname.lastname@tampereenmessut.fi
Heli Lempinen, Project Manager, Food and Drink and Logistics, tel. +358 40 667 1702
Jani Maja, Sales Manager, Project Manager for Workplace Welfare, tel. +358 50 356 1325
Veli-Pekka Rouvali, Account Manager, Project Manager for EuroSafety, tel. +358 40 550 4005
Nette Kivimäki, communication specialist – Food and Drink and Logistics, tel. +358 40 641 3369
Sirkka Laine, communication specialist – EuroSafety and Workplace Welfare, tel. +358 40 612 9081