Discover how Ansell’s Inteliforz™ Motion platform identifies invisible risks in hand & wrist movements that could lead to injuries.

Wed 11.09.2024 13:00-13:25
Thu 12.09.2024 12:00-12:25

Ohjelmalava, A-halli

How can health and safety managers significantly reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders?  Ansell explains how its Inteliforz anticipates invisible injuries to create safer, more connected workplaces. Inteliforz Motion transfers raw data into actionable insights, offering invaluable information such as Strain index risk, worker activity level and wrist movement analysis. Motions offers data you can trust, behavioral coaching, increased productivity and reduced workplace risks. Learn how this could benefit your workforce.

Speaker: Vera Vanstreels, Inteliforz Business Development EMEA, Ansell